
A photo of Ken Kennett Centre building

The Ken Kennett Centre is a community centre located in the Clopton Ward of Stratford-upon-Avon, on Justins Avenue. It is operated by the Clopton Community Action Group, a Community Interest Company that relies on local volunteers to maintain the centre and make it available for use by local residents, community groups, and businesses.

The centre is a hub for community engagement, providing a versatile space that can be used for a range of events, from social gatherings to business meetings. The annual family fun day is a highlight of the centre's calendar, providing a day of entertainment and activities for all ages. The centre is entirely run by volunteers, who work tirelessly to ensure that it remains an accessible and inclusive space for everyone.

If you're interested in hosting an event you would like to hold at the centre, you can check availability and book here. If you would like to get involved in volunteering at the Centre, please email us at kenkennettcentre@gmail.com. The committee is always happy to hear from local residents and organisations who are interested in using the centre or volunteering their time to help run it.


  • Chair – Jason Fojtik
  • Treasurer – Lorraine Mansfield
  • Trustee – Carol George
  • Trustee – Natalie South
  • Volunteers – Mary McDonnell, Sue Rutherford, Rev Steve Jarvis, Anne Whatcott, Philip How, Lynn Taylor